Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

No One Is Coming

Seriously, people, did you expect Mitt Romney to go any other way?

Romney has the look most of the country has right now.                                                                  By Drew Angerer/Getty Images.

Romney has the look most of the country has right now. By Drew Angerer/Getty Images.

Seriously, people, did you expect Mitt Romney to go any other way?

Yes, he took a token stand when it meant nothing, and he knew it. He voted ‘guilty’ on one charge in the impeachment, but he knew it wouldn’t pass. He was already high on Trump’s shit list, he was in a safe seat, he had little to lose. But now? This vote is different and he knows it. So, he’s reminding everyone he’s the same stuffed shirt Republican he always was. No, this vote is different, this isn’t time for a symbolic stand on ‘principle’, this vote is about power, power that could change American life for the next 30 years. No, he's not about to risk everything, including a SCOTUS nominee that will kill the popular Roe v Wade and the ACA, for some silly 'reputation' as a ‘Reasonable’ Republican.

You kidding?


It is long past time to get over yourself.

Did I know? I used to be a Mormon, and I know this; his church would not have forgiven him, and he is a sincerely religious man. I had a fleeting hope, but I figured his 'integrity' would go so far and no farther. In that safe vote 'against' Trump he was good, but denying his voters a chance to own the libs on the hated ADA (insuring some 10 million + people, and killing Roe v Wade, popular among a majority of voters) he folds like origami.

No, not surprised.

So, no, the fact that Mitt is an opportunistic Republican is not news (I followed his career, and that's what he's ALWAYS been) the fact that the ever-hopeful Democratic base thought he'd be anything else disappoints me.

Get over yourselves.

NO Republicans are going to step up and save you.


They have proved over that you can't work/trust with them, that should have been made clear in the past 30 some years, right? Good lord.


Democracy is on the line.

The Trump Party will do ANYthing to win/steal this election. They believe they're entitled to do so. They have been gearing up for months to seize power by any means necessary. They can’t do it by ballots, they will do it with the courts, and now they have a bigger court majority than they did in 2000 with a 5-4 split gave the election to George W. Bush, a man who did not win the popular vote.

They have the Supreme Court, that don’t need the popular vote. They will shout ‘FRAUD!’, seize the ballots and throw enough confusion and lawsuits to drive it to the SCOTUS where a 3rd of the judges owe their seat to Trump. They will not recuse themselves.


They steal SCOTUS seats? Expand the Court, expand the federal judiciary. Make territories actual states. Get rid of the Electoral College. Don't bother with what the GOP will scream, they will do that regardless. They play hardball, so the Democrats need to play hardball, and have to stop apologizing for it. Just stop.


Fight everything. Make the GOP pay for the shit they pull, for a change.



Democracy needs you now.

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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

How to Steal an Election, Right in Front of Us

Trump has been railing against the United States Post Office for a while now, mostly as a way to get back at Jeff Bezos. Trump, the Fake billionaire, have a serious case of penis envy over Bezos, and the Bezos-owned Washington Post says mean things about him (except for Trump sycophants Hugh Hewitt and Marc Thiessen, their heads so far up Trump’s backside they know what he had for lunch). But, we figured, let him whine, it’s what he does, constantly. What can he do?


Trump has been railing against the United States Post Office for a while now, mostly as a way to get back at Jeff Bezos. Trump, the Fake billionaire, have a serious case of penis envy over Bezos, and the Bezos-owned Washington Post says mean things about him (except for Trump sycophants Hugh Hewitt and Marc Thiessen, their heads so far up Trump’s backside they know what he had for lunch). But, we figured, let him whine, it’s what he does, constantly. What can he do?

See, we sometimes forget, Trump has no moral compass, Trump is True North and everything points to him, they must point to him. If he can’t benefit from something, it’s of no use to him. He gets bored, and he walks (see: virus, corona, et al) So, he hatches a plan (documents now show he started this months ago). He installs a millionaire Republican donor as Postmaster General (who has millions of dollars invested in USPS competitors, because of course he does), in charge of PO operations. Louis DeJoy (yeah, that’s his name, kinda low-hanging, late-night comedy fruit, eh?) then starts in; DeJoy fires seasoned postal officials (you know, people who know what they’re doing, Trump hates that), and shuffles the rest around. Overtime is forbidden, mail starts to pile up. We get reports of the mails being slowed. Hell, we don’t need ‘reports’, we can see what’s going on as letters and packages are arriving late, if at all. When Congress drags him in to answer for the crap he’s up to (the stuff they know about) DeJoy claims he’s just trying to ‘save money’ and ‘make thing more efficient’. He would never ‘slow the mails’! Not him!

This is, of course, grade ‘A’ bullshit. Not the super fine, processed stuff you get at the big-box for the garden, this is the massive piles designed to hide things. Lies. Simple as that.


Anyone who has been paying attention the last three years should expect nothing else from anyone associated with Trump. Now, we have reports (and photos) of mailboxes being ‘decommissioned’, hundreds of sorting machines being removed from post offices in Michigan, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Texas, and that “more machine removals are planned in the months ahead,” according to documents now coming out. This is not ‘efficiency’.  


This does NOT 'save money'. This is a flat out attempt to slow the mail ahead of an election. Why? Here in WA, where I’m writing this, ballots just need to be post marked by election day, but in a majority of states, the ballot needs to ARRIVE by election day.

Trump's plan is to slow ballot delivery to the voter, and then slow the ballots getting to the election offices. Thousands, probably millions of ballots could be invalidated, tossed out, uncounted.

Also, the PO used to treat ballots (political mail) as first class, meaning it got priority, now they been ordered to treat it as 'bulk'. First class, has priority, it gets forwarded, they will try to find you and deliver your ballot, Bulk? It gets mulched. This will delay it even further, in fact many may never get their ballots in the first place. It may just get tossed, undelivered 

This is not an accident, this is by plan. Buy why? Why would a US President do this? Why would they destroy the integrity of a US election? Because Trump doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about anyone or anything but Donald J. Trump. Because Trump is scared, he may actually reading some of the polls and he’s decided that the cheating he was doing last time (working with Russia) will not be enough this time: he needs to steal and steal BIG. So he is. Trump is stealing the election before the election can take place and he’s using the United States Post Office to do it for him.

Right in front of us, in the open. And those in power are turning their heads.

Now the Washington Post is reporting that the USPS has told 46 states that their ballots might not be delivered by election day, disenfranchising millions of voters. This means the plan is working. Trump is winning before you can even vote.

What can we do? Congress is on vacation (McConnell is exhausted from denying millions of unemployed help, and from laughing at the 200,000 death toll). Find out where your representative is, call them, email them, make yourself a pest, demand a response to this naked power grab. Call your local newspaper (if you still have one), demand they cover this, respond to this, not lay down while democracy is getting trampled.

And it is.

Demand your voice to be heard.

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