Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

They Can Run, But the GOP Can’t Hide from Trump

We all have a lot of hope that the new Biden/Harris administration will bring some sanity, dare I say ‘normalcy’ to the country, but we also are staring at a Republican party determined to stop them from doing, anything, that will actually help the country.

Trump, probably lying. Again.

Trump, probably lying. Again.

We all have a lot of hope that the new Biden/Harris administration will bring some sanity, dare I say ‘normalcy’ to the country, but we also are staring at a Republican party determined to stop them from doing, anything, that will actually help the country. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans under Obama made the recovery from the Bush crash longer and more painful than it needed to be, simple as that, and did so deliberately knowing they were hurting people. As McConnell said, his job was to make Obama a ‘One-Term President’. It wasn’t to legislate, it wasn’t to help right the country after eight years of ruinous leadership, no, his only job was to ‘win’, not help. Obama had to fix the economy and pass the ACA without help from the GOP.

Obama had Mitch and the co-opped ‘Tea Party’ to contend with, Biden and Harris will have a GOP that is even father right. The Tea Party believed Obama was a Muslim radical, born in Kenya. The new version of the Tea Party, Oanon (with has taken over a lot of the base, and electing followers) believe all Democrats are Satan worshiping pedophiles who torture children to harvest a drug called Adrenochrome. Qanon is what is firing up the Republican base, and the god of Qanon is Trump. The leaders of the GOP have a choice;

One: cast off Trump and all the ugly he has revealed about the party,

Two: try to court Qanon and keep it under control, or

Three: just dive in and go nuts.

Far so, they’re doing both two and three.

The push since the election is just go plain full-on crazy, the more the better. I don’t see any signs of that stopping anytime soon. Going forward, the GOP/Trump/Qanon party, already a party of White grievance, will become all about that, it will fuel and drive it. It will be about ‘stolen elections’, about the shrinking White demographic, about ‘biased media’ (even Fox is taking hits for not towing the Trump line and lies), it will retreat even further into its bubble world, and it will strike out with the blind fury of a wounded animal. Trump knows a good grift when he sees it, and so does his family and all their enablers. He’s already shown he doesn’t care about the country, he’ll burn it all down just to get his way, so he’ll keep pushing, keep lying and keeping telling the people who want to believe that he, and they, were robbed.  

And they’ll believe him.

The Georgia and national Republicans are looking at polls showing the two senate races there either tied of the Democrats slightly ahead. Those polls are also showing them something else; Trump’s lies of ‘voter fraud’ and ‘rigged elections’ are causing some of his more fevered supporters to stay home. This can’t be good for them, but they can’t say anything out loud, even Perdue and Loeffler, the Republicans in the race, have to finesse their way around the crazy, calling the election and unfair while at the asking people to vote for them.


Crazy, right?


In 2022 we’ll see a wave of the crazy unlike anything we’ve seen before. Those Republicans running for reelection will have to either take the pledge and be just as crazy as the rest, or run the risk of being primaried by someone who is crazier than they are, or at least does a good job of acting that way.

So, what’s the Biden/Harris administration going to do the get even some of their agenda through the coming wall of craze?

Biden has a couple different ways to deal with this. Hopefully, he will not try to be collegial and work with them. I know, I know, that’s always the goal, to ‘work across the aisle, be bi-partisan. If Biden learned nothing from the Obama years, he should have learned that the Republicans are bad actors, they do not negotiate in good faith. Even those that might agree in private are going to be pushed, squeezed to the wall by the base who will demand blood… and they don’t really care which side bleeds; the Satanist Democrats, or the RINO’s who let their beloved Trump down. It’ll a race to prove which Republican is the most irresponsible, and that’s the Republican that will go forward. 

Right now, McConnell is saying the new administration won’t even get cabinet positions confirmed unless he personally approves of them, won’t even get a vote. No, unless he gets the Senate, (and maybe not even then) Biden will have to go it alone as much as possible, get things done administratively rather than through congress. And it won’t be easy, as every more will be protested, will be dragged into the courts. It wouldn’t surprise me to see the Republicans filling out lawsuits now, to fill in the blanks later.

Biden is going to have to move fast, blitz the field before 2022, when chances are he might lose his House majority. He can do this with multiple teams pushing his agenda at the same time. I assume right now they’re readying Executive orders to sign, and they should do as much as they can as fast as they can, confuse and disorient the opposition into trying to figure out and deal with the numbers of different things coming out. Just as Trump does with outrages, committing new ones before the furor over the last one died out, Biden can do with policy. A Trump tactic for the good of the country.


That might be the best thing we’ll learn from Trump.


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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

Trump Seal Team Super StrikeForce, Ninja-Robot Warriors.

Here we are, nearly 3 weeks from election day, two weeks since the outcome was obvious (hint, it was Biden, with what is looking in the end to be a margin of 7 million votes). So, Joe Biden is President-Elect, Kamala Harris is Vice President-Elect and the country can move on, start dealing with the many crisis’ created by the previous administration.

Right? Please?

Rudy laying down the first wave of crazy, Sidney Powell ready to bring on the second.

Rudy laying down the first wave of crazy, Sidney Powell ready to bring on the second.

Here we are, nearly 3 weeks from election day, two weeks since the outcome was obvious (hint, it was Biden, with what is looking in the end to be a margin of 7 million votes). So, Joe Biden is President-Elect, Kamala Harris is Vice President-Elect and the country can move on, start dealing with the many crisis’ created by the previous administration.

Right? Please?



You see, we have this malignant tumor bunkered down in the White House, refusing to utter the words ‘Biden Won’. Can’t do it, just can’t. He instead, after some media calls election night, came out at 3am and gave a rambling ‘victory’ speech (at a victory party that turned into another White House, covid super-spreader event) claiming victory, spewing nonsense about ‘voter fraud (really ‘election fraud’, but there ya go) and seeming to go from rage, to despair, back to rage again.

Really, I think he was going for an Emmy.

Immediately he started filing a lot of baseless lawsuits, getting laughed out of court by Republican judges, and shedding lawyers like a sheepdog sheds hair in summer. Right now, his team is led by Rudy Giuliani, the human self-debasement machine, whose previous actions helped to get Trump impeached, and by Sydney Powell, a lawyer under investigation for possibly tampering with court documents for her other client, Michael Flynn.

You hit the Batty Signal, you get the bats.  

Still, even though no reputable attorney will work for them, Trump Team Crazy is busy, filing lawsuits left and right, tossing them out like t-shirts to a crowd, shouting ‘voter fraud’ up and down the hallways.

So, how are all those 'voter fraud' cases going?

They're not. So far Trump 'Elite StrikeForce Team' are 1-33. That means out of the 34 cases they brought, they're won one. One. Here's another thing; they're not actually voter fraud cases.

While Trump is screaming in all caps on Twitter. and Rudy G. and Sidney Powell are making bizarre claims about 'Hugo Chavez, communists, and China' funding secret vote-flipping machines, and election fraud on a massive scale, they have yet to make these claims in court. In fact, they go out of their way NOT to claim fraud... because they have no proof of fraud. They start bringing charges of fraud then the judge is going to ask them to prove it. No, the cases have mostly been about oversight, have been about such pettiness as in Arizona, when 'sharpies' used on ballots supposedly caused them to be rejected (their own witnesses proved this to be nonsense), poll watchers not allowed in polling places in Pennsylvania. There the lawyer pissed off the judge by trying to get cute:

Judge: "Did the plaintiff have representatives in the room?"

Lawyer: "“There were a nonzero number of people in the room."

Judge: “I’m asking you as a member of the bar of this court: Are people representing the plaintiffs in the room?”

Lawyer: "Yes."

Judge: "Then what are we here for?"

Always good to en-madden the judge hearing your case.

One case filed was, literally, based on what one witness was told by another poll worker who had overheard something someone else had said. No kidding. A sort of 'double heresy', the judge laughed that out of courts with a big, fat 'come on!'.

In Georgia, Trump lawyers and minions are doing stellar work. Cybersecurity worker and expert witness in the case, Russell J. Ramsland Jr., claimed in an affidavit that his company had uncovered “evidence of inconsistencies in electronic voting machines”. Maybe he did, but not in Georgia, the districts he list were in Michigan. Red districts that voted for Trump. Oops.

He also listed a bunch of towns and counties he claimed showed there were more votes than voters. Again, maybe so, but he was listing towns in Minnesota, not Michigan. Or Georgia.

Judge tossed it. No evidence. Huh.

In Michigan, a state court judge lovingly took apart the six witnesses with claims of improprieties at the counting center, noting that had they not skipped orientation, most of their claims would have been answered. The Trump team also mis-filed a Michigan case in a court in DC. Working hard to bring the best in incompetency.

The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight.

Stormtroopers on the Death Star had better aim.

The Trump team have no real cases, they have no real chance as the numbers are against them. The plan, as near as anyone can figure, seems to be to get Black votes (city of Detroit) thrown out because... the poll watchers didn't stand close enough to the counting...? Something insane. That would give them Michigan, then… something, something… Georgia and Arizona, and bam? Election won?

Really. They would have to flip three states, disenfranchise millions, and forever kill any trust in our election system.


But they’re good with that.


There is no plan, no endgame here, just throw everything at the wall and keep refiling to try and get a judge more interested in party than justice.

They're out there, McConnell saw to that.

Which brings us to the Republicans, the GOP, the party of ‘Law & Order’, friend of the ‘working man’ (that’s White working man), what are they doing about this situation?

Nothing. With a few notable exceptions, they are maintaining silence, like they always do, or crying ‘let it play out’, as Trump hacks at Democracy with an axe. Why won’t they say something? Several factors:

One; he’s still the head of the party. Hell, it IS his party, he’ll cry if he wants to, and that big, beautiful base of his is loyal not the GOP, but to Trump himself. To speak up now is to anger the base, which they will need in their next reelection, or in 2024 if their ambitions carry them that far.  

Two: mean tweets. Trump’s base may be angry, but Trump is angrier, and can focus his hatred, and that of his base, right between the eyes of anyone daring to step out of line, even a little. He loves doing it, his thumbs are fast, and he doesn’t care about spelling.

Three: they want him to succeed. Sure, it’ll tear the country apart, but hey! They stay in power another four years, country be damned. That’s what really matters, doesn’t it?

So, they’ll stall the transition of power, watch as Trump demands no one speak to the Biden/Harris team, and valuable time is lost, information is lost, chaos seeps into every crack and corner, and Trump hides behind his extra-tall, super-secure fence, and tweets all caps into the void.


January 20th cannot come soon enough.


Happy Thanksgiving.

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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

The Last Whine

Dude, buddy, calm the fuck down.

Dude, buddy, calm the fuck down.

Trump voters, you need to try harder.

I don’t mean marching-in-the-streets-with-your-pet-AK-and-Trump-flags harder, no. You need to try harder to accept the loss, to ‘take the ‘L’

“The Lame-stream Media doesn’t say who is president!!” 

Uh huh.

Listen, because you need to hear and take this in. Ready?

President Donald J. Trump lost. By, the count so far, some 6 million votes. When all is said and done, it’ll probably be more like 7 million.

“But the lawsuits! We need to play out each and every lawsuit because fraud!!! Oh, the terrible, horrible, no-good fraud!!”

No. Sorry. The lawsuits have failed, the lawyers are all embarrassed (those that have enough morals left after working for Trump) and the judges have had enough.

The courts have all come down against Trump. I tell you, you Trump supporters are so far into right wing grievance you can't/won't see the truth. There just is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud, none, nada, keiner. My friend, stop listing to what the right-wing talking heads are saying and take a look at what the Trump lawyers are actually saying and doing in court, where they can't make stuff up. The judges are catching them every time: yes, there were observers in the polling places and tabulation halls, no, 'sharpies' didn't matter, no, no voting machines switched votes, nobody switched dates on ballots, no 'Biden/Harris' vans showed up in the parking lot of a polling place, then opened ballots and filled them out (in broad daylight, in a logoed van, where everyone could see!), and the rest of the nonsense they've been spouting, why haven't they gone to court? Filed complaints? For the most part, they’ve either dropped the claims (in Pennsylvania), are just making them on TV (the 'van' story on Laura Ingraham) or have watered their claims down to the equivalent of a shrug. It’s nonsense. Besides, if the evil Democrats could steal the presidency, why didn't they get the senate as well?

It literally makes NO sense. Come on, think about it, buddy. It just doesn't.

And now if he wants a recount in Pennsylvania, he’ll have to pay for it himself. 8 million, by Wednesday. You think he’s going to pony up that amount? Donald Trump? Pay for something?

Sit down, breathe. You want a soda, huh?

It's over, Biden won, Trump lost.

I know, you tell me over and over again, “look at the documents! Look at the facts.” Okay, that is what I'm doing. Trump is racking up loss after loss in the courts because he literally has no proof of fraud, like I said, none. Rudy, Jr., Eric, and Trump himself are spreading lies about our election they literally cannot back up. If they could, they would be winning in the courts (before several Republican appointed judges, btw), they would be backed up by the Republican election officials instead of having to smear them to bolster their own scheme.

He lost, the American people have rejected, soundly, Donald Trump and no amount of crying, screaming, and whining is going to change that. No, I’m not saying you’re doing any of that, friend. He is. He looks like an idiot, holding his breath, stamping his feet and saying 'nuh uh'.

Time to give it up.

Remember, Hillary, (now calm down) conceded the day after, and she had a better case for contesting than Donald (having won the popular vote), and the next day Obama had Trump and Melania to the White House, and the transition began. But they both have more class that Donald ever did, evidently. 

Yes, that was a dig, sorry.

Seriously. It's over. This isn't about the evil, evil media, but about reality. The right-wing media has never been about reality, but about helping Republicans, any way they can. Now that Fox News is actually trying to push back against the crazies they have on their airwaves in the evening (see Tucker have to apologize to a lady he accused of voter fraud? He wasn't gracious about it), people aren't getting the fix they need and are going to Newmax and OAN, there they will get told what they want to hear, regardless of the truth, or reality.

Is that what you’re doing? It’s okay, we all like our bubbles.

The reality is, Joe Biden (not a socialist, or controlled by them) and Kamala Harris (also, not a socialist, but a moderate like Joe) are the President and Vice-President Elect, and will be taking office noon, on January 20th. Donald Trump, if he does not leave, will be a trespasser and will be escorted from the grounds.

I know, it sucks, I was there in 2016. I feel ya.

You can take it.


No, you can keep the hat.






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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

Here’s the Deal

Here’s the deal, as Joe Biden would say. The moderates in the Democratic Party constantly complain that the progressive wing won’t support them, won’t turn out for elections featuring moderate candidates, and complain that the moderate policies they push are, well, too moderate.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the end-dream of the far-right move to control the courts.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the end-dream of the far-right move to control the courts.

Here’s the deal, as Joe Biden would say. The moderates in the Democratic Party constantly complain that the progressive wing won’t support them, won’t turn out for elections featuring moderate candidates, and complain that the moderate policies they push are, well, too moderate.

The progressive wing says that they have no seat at the table, that their ideas are consistently ignored, even ridiculed, and their support, when granted, is rarely rewarded. Why bother when they’re not listened too, are given no power in return for your support, and left out of major policy decisions?

In the past, campaigns have been won using the progressive’s ideals and style: Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign was a progressive (for its time) campaign, and Obama’s 2008, and especially his 2012 campaigns were as well. And then they turn into moderates. It’s almost a bait-and-switch. What happened?

Clinton ran hard into a wall GOP hate, constant bogus investigations, and he quickly tacked right. Obama was always more moderate than he campaigned, and was only too happy to run a center left administration. He also faced strong GOP opposition, taking too long to take their threats seriously, not believing the Republicans when they said they wanted to destroy him.

The deal is? The Republicans DO want to destroy you! Believe them when they say this, they’re serious. And they have been working towards this for decades. Denying Obama more than a hundred judicial nominees, and a SCOTUS seat, to pack the courts with far right (and unqualified) judges. It was a major, long awaited play for them and now this last rush to pack the Supreme Court is endgame, probably checkmate.

How does our moderate Democratic candidate want to address this? With a plan to take back the stolen courts with a legal expansion, to protect rights and laws that have been passed?


He wants a blue-ribbon, bi-partisan committee.





Buddy, you’re a nice guy, I like you, already voted for you. But this is not the way to handle what the Republicans have been up to. This is pretty much what they (barring killing it altogether) want you to do. It’s like this; you know when you would ask your parents “can we go the movies” or “have pizza tonight” and they would say ‘We’ll see.” “We’ll see” was always “No.”


It’s a parent’s way of saying ‘no’ without have to disappoint expectant, hopeful faces by slapping them with a blunt declaration.

A ‘committee’ is the “We’ll see” of government.

This is just a way to get the subject off the table and kill momentum. This is exactly why the left has had it with the moderates and why the Democrats have gotten steamrolled by the right time after time. The moderates seem to think they're dealing with a reasonable, functioning GOP, and no amount of evidence will convince that they face a party of radicals, intent on destroying them and repealing the 20th Century. Haven't they been paying attention to the hearings going on right now?!

The moderates will dither, think, investigate and when they finally decided to act, it'll be a year too late. The right has no compunction to follow rules and will be throwing case after case at the now far-right SCOTUS to kill voting rights, healthcare, kill gun restrictions, and destroy protections for the LGBTQ community. They’re achieved their dream, and they’re giddy with power. They will move as fast as they can, while a bi-partisan, blue-ribbon panel meets, drinks coffee and snags Costco poppy seed muffins from the muffin basket. And talks and talks…

The GOP is seeing their electoral power shrink as the country changes and diversifies, and instead of trying to appeal to a larger majority, they doubled down on what they have, and threw themselves into a decades long quest to install their minority power in such a way that they can still control the country without being elected by a majority. Packing the courts (as McConnell himself called it) would do just that.

If the GOP insists on going forward and voting in this last attempt to killing the Living Constitution, the Democrats must take steps to reign them in, using every tool at their disposal. We have to hit the ground running, prepared to contain and repair the damage done by righting the system and restoring some fairness to institutions that have been deliberately broken.

We don’t have time to stop and think too much about it, and I doubt that are any sane Republicans who would participate in such a committee (the party would never forgive them).

It’s up to us, Joe, don’t tie our hands when we need them to fight.

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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

Does Pence Dismiss All women, or Just These Two?

Did it ‘move the needle’ to use the cliché phrase of the debate watcher.

Sen Harris and VP Pence. The Somewhat Less-Rude Debate.

Sen Harris and VP Pence. The Somewhat Less-Rude Debate.

Did it ‘move the needle’ to use the cliché phrase of the debate watcher.

Probably not.

I say that as everyone is pretty much set, and many have already voted, so there weren’t a lot of minds changed tonight. The fact that this was done live with both candidates in the same room instead of in different locations (Mike Pence has been exposed to covid and should by all rights, be in quarantine), and the Pence campaign throwing a hissy about having a plexiglass shield gave it a bit of excitement, but that excitement didn’t really dhow up at the debate.

Well, the fly that crawled around Mike Pence’s hair for two minutes twenty seconds will probably will get more ink than Pence himself.

Sen Kamala Harris spoke well, smiled, and strongly made her points. Vice President Mike Pence frowned a lot, shook his head and… interrupted Harris and talked over here and the moderator, ignored his entreaties’ that his time was up, often talking for another minute. More than once Sen Harris had to remind VP Pence that she had the floor and she was talking.

This… was not a good look for Pence, he came off misogynistic and rude. This was supposed to be the ‘polite’ debate, the one that made up for the ‘shit show’ of Trump/Biden last week. Is this a purposeful tactic, or is Pence a guy who just doesn’t value what women have to say? I’m sure a lot of women saw that, and it reminded them a lot of what they’ve had to out up with for years.

So, who won?

Oh, Harris, walking away.

Really, Pence had a hard record to defend, 214,000 dead because of a disaster of a response to the coronavirus, economy cratered, huge virus outbreak at the White House that infected 34 people, including the President and the First Lady. America is a laughing stock around the world right now.

Defend that.

Harris did everything she needed to do tonight and did it well. She got her points over strongly, came off as warm and friendly, but direct and no-nonsense. Pence was... okay. He lied his ass off, and ran out of talking points halfway through and just started repeating himself.

Problem is, Pence needed to do better than 'okay', he needed to show he wasn't a raving lunatic like his boss, he needed to show some decorum, and he needed to convince people that all the crap that has happened under Trump is somehow Biden’s fault. He didn't really do that. How could you?

First off, he was rude, as I said. Harris had to swat him back a couple times for interrupting her, trying to talk over her, and just lying. Again, he talked over his time, ignored the moderator, talked over her as well, and acted like he was entitled to go over. It was rude, and it looked misogynistic.

Really, does he treat all women this way, as if what they have to say doesn't matter? After the horrendous bullying performance of Trump, Pence had to show he could follow the rules; he failed. He was stiff, boring and he had no real passion for what he was saying. He was... okay, and okay right now is a failure.

So, Harris for the win. I don't imagine it will move the needle much, one way or the other., but it shows there are sane people in the race, who actually care not to infect people.

And that should be something.

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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

Your Vote is Illegitimate

“The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”


The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”

If you don’t vote Trump, your vote doesn’t matter, and can be rejected. End of story.

This is the message Trump is telling his supporters, telling them that the other side, no matter who they are, are illegitimate; their votes are illegitimate, their opposition is illegitimate, their opinions are illegitimate, their protests are illegitimate, they, themselves, their lives, friends and families, are illegitimate. It’s okay to ignore them, okay to treat them as less, okay to maybe kill them, they’re illegitimate after all. As his HHS assistant secretary Michael Caputo said: “And when Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin. The drills that you’ve seen are nothing,” he added, “If you carry guns, buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s going to be hard to get.”

Okay to kill those who disagree with you; they are other, they are wrong in themselves, they are dangerous, they are illegitimate.

Trump also claims the Governor of Nevada, Steve Sisolak (D) “is the same guy that’s gonna be in charge of the ballots. I’m winning that state easily (he’s not) but the one thing we can’t beat, if they cheat on the ballots, now he will cheat on the ballots, I have no doubt about it.”

Trump is giving himself and his supporters permission to ignore the results of a fair election. Any election he loses is not a fair election. Any election he loses needs to be resisted, fought against, and put down.

Arm yourselves, they are coming for you.

This is designed to do tremendous arm to civil discourse and society. This is designed to encourage the violence and panic Trump claims he is against. This licenses his supporters to do anything, by any means, to keep Trump himself in power. This is openly calling for the civil war the right has been talking about, and thirsting for, for decades

This is the insanity that fuels the grievance on the right, the anger and belief that they’ve been screwed, and it’s the left doing the screwing. For this you have to ignore the decades of the GOP (and the Democrats, yes) shipping jobs overseas, of the ‘trickle down’ promises that never, ever materialized, of culture baiting for votes while shifting power and wealth to the rich. Once you’ve established this to your own satisfaction (not hard to do when you’re inside the bubble, talking only to true believers like yourself) than anything you do to ‘fight back’ is justified. Arm yourself, the ‘libtard’ mob is coming for your home, you women, your country.

This undermining of democracy is not a secret, it’s happening right in front of us, right in the open. Trump has captured most the election machinery, and what he can’t control, he is openly undermining, with the enthusiastic help of the GOP. First, you declare the other side to be illegitimate, you demonize them, making any move against you (like, say, voting) seem as a move against the country, against your followers ‘values’, as something ‘sick’ and unnatural. Then you go about encouraging violence against anyone who disagrees with you (see the support the armed mobs charging statehouses get, the police brutality and the shooting and running over of protesters), then denial of of legitimate votes that don’t go ‘your’ way, stating things like only that the votes counted the night of the election are legitimate, and then you undermine the USPS and vote by mail as ‘fraud’.

Trump is stealing the election and encouraging his followers to fight any vote that doesn’t end with four more years of Trump in the White House. He refuses to say if he’ll accept any result that doesn’t go his way. His minions have called for armed insurrection if they don’t get the result they want.

As David Frum said:

“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” 

They are warning us right now of what they intend to do.

Take them seriously.

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Tom Stewart Tom Stewart

It’s Going to be Ugly.

The DNC has been a pretty good show so far, making the case for Biden/Harris. They been very inclusive, and not in an over done ‘look! We have POC too!’ kind of way both parties have been guilty of in the past. All kind of people, every walk of life are there, speaking truth and holding out a hand.

What the GOP thinks matters. Insane.                                                Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/TNS via Getty Image

What the GOP thinks matters. Insane. Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/TNS via Getty Image

The DNC has been a pretty good show so far, making the case for Biden/Harris. They been very inclusive, and not in an over done ‘look! We have POC too!’ kind of way both parties have been guilty of in the past. All kinds of people, every walk of life are there, speaking truth and holding out a hand. They’ve tried to include everyone.


Even Republicans.


Really, Biden/Harris is not reaching out to just the ‘Democratic base’, they are reaching past them, reaching out to, well, everyone. And people are listening.

The RNC, who was holding out hopes for an in-person gathering up until a couple weeks ago (North Carolina! No, Florida, No….online?) are way behind and will have to play some serious catch up. The announcement that the the St. Louis ‘gun couple’ Mark and Patricia McCloskey will be featured speakers is not sign of outreach, ‘big tent’ style GOP (who remembers that phrase? Used to be thrown around quite a bit in the Reagan/Bush years.), it’s a sign of four nights of bitter white grievance and anger, finger pointing and ignoring (how could they not?) the est 200,000 dead from Trump’s negligence. There will be very little about that. Putting people like the McCloskey’s front and center tell us all we really need to know about what GOP thinks the issues are, and how seriously they will treat those issues.

And they will continue to call Joe Biden a ‘radical leftist’. Joe Biden… radical. Sorry, literally no sane person with eyes believes that. The fact is they keep pushing a losing narrative because, what else they got?

With a cratered economy, with those 200,000 dead, with an uncontrolled virus killing indiscriminately, with people in the streets seeking a racial justice denied them for centuries, Trump and the GOP thinks it’s a good idea to get two idiots who practice extremely poor gun safety and think pointing guns at people walking by your house, is a good and wise thing. They are not reaching ’beyond their base’, they are catering to them, and ONLY them. They do not care about convincing anyone beyond the ever-narrowing, ever-whitening, base. They have no real interest in adding to their party, no, they are actively subtracting from it; ‘canceling’ those not Trump enough, not toeing their lies enough, and not hating enough.

I fully expect the RNC is watching what the DNC is doing and taking notes. Except they’ll be tossing out the hope and dialing up the anger, the grievance at being a dying minority.

It’s gonna be a four day fear/hate fest, and Trump will speak every freakin’ night because… Trump.


It’s going to be ugly.

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