"We're All Victims.” …Yes, We All Are, Of Tump.

The Devil Went Down to Georgia. There, I had to use the most obvious joke, but only as a caption.

The Devil Went Down to Georgia. There, I had to use the most obvious joke, but only as a caption.

On a day that saw 227,885 new cases and 2,607 deaths from covid-19, Donald J. Trump, failed President of the United States and loser of the recent election, went to Georgia to have a campaign rally for a campaign that ended a month ago. He was holding a rally of some 10,000 mostly maskless people in a state that is reporting record infections and deaths.

And this was after calling Governor Kemp in the morning and demanding he throw out the votes of the people of his state, and call the legislature into session to have them hand the election to Trump. This is illegal, by the way. Simple as that. Still waiting for the GOP to say something about it.

They won’t.

Trump was tweeting insults at Kemp the whole plane ride to Georgia, demanding he ‘signature match’ the ballots (you can’t, after verification the envelopes and ballots are separated to ensure anonymity of the vote) and again calling for a special session to pick electors to steal the election for him. I imagine the whole of the election staff is really sick of his shit. “Oh god, he’s tweeting again…”

How did he greet the large crowd after Melania introduced him?

“You know we won Georgia, just so you understand.”

With a lie. Of course.

No, he didn’t win, obviously, and the popular vote wasn’t even close. In Georgia, the votes he constantly complains about were counted, and then recounted, Biden winning each time. Biden/Harris have won this election several times by now. The first lie set the tone, and was quickly followed by more. All on pretty much the same theme; what a big, big winner who wins super bigly at everything but especially elections, he is. He was a fire hose of nonsense, attacking the election, the Governor, the election officials, and anything that strayed across his mind.  

“We didn’t lose. Let me tell you, this election was rigged.”

If you read this far, or have been alive and paying attention the past month you know this is a lie. It’s grown from slightly amusing, to infuriating, to exhausting watching the electoral steal team Trump has fielded, claiming to have ‘proof’ of this huge election steal yet never offering any up.

“We actually won. Remember, so many of the states, I won every one of them. Every one of these states…. and by the way, the swing states that we’re all fighting over now, I won them all by a lot.”

So, he didn’t actually lose any states, he won them all, by a lot. It’s like he’s reading a thread of his own tweets out loud. He’s a human Facebook argument, dismissing all facts he doesn’t like.

“And I have to say, if I lost, I’d be a very gracious loser! If I lost, I’d say ‘I lost’ and I’d go to Florida and I’d take it easy and I’d go around and say ‘I did a good job’ — but you can’t ever accept when they steal and rig and rob.”


"We will find that hundreds of thousands of ballots were illegally cast all over your state, and all over the country by the way. More than enough to give us a total historic victory…. Hopefully our legislatures and the United States Supreme Court will step forward and save our country"

I can’t see how screaming about ‘rigged elections’ will help elect two Republicans to the senate, but I can see how it would discourage anyone from bothering to vote. Why vote? It’s all rigged! That’s how they get ya!

"We're all victims. Everybody here. All these thousands of people here tonight. They're all victims. Every one of you."

This is the GOP slogan, the perfect representation of the Trump presidency founded on victimhood and White grievance. ‘It’s not our fault! It’s theirs! Anyone Non-White, immigrants, ‘antifa’, ‘elites’, all of them! ‘It’s their fault’. They’re the victims, it’s them being discriminated against, THEY’RE THE VICTIMS!!! And they gather together on the Georgia tarmac to listen to a man who will feed their greivance, and tell them fantastical tales in which they’re the heroes and everyone else is the villain.

No wonder they voted for someone who says out load what they whisper to themselves every day. "We're all victims.” They should put it on bumper stickers, tattoos, t-shirts so Trump can make even more money to throw in the 200+ million he bragged about wringing out of them to fight ‘fraud’. Oh yes, he told them about his grifting them. They cheered.


Of course, they did.

“We will never, ever surrender" Yep, not as long as he can add to that pile of cash, he and his family will continue to grift. And grift, and grift. And his supporters will gladly help him do it.

"Everything that we've archived is on the line on June 5th."

Yes, it is. Georgia, on January 5th, vote out the two crooks currently representing only themselves in the senate, and vote in someone who will actually work for you… and us.


Trump Lies, Democracy Pays


They Can Run, But the GOP Can’t Hide from Trump