Trump Lies, Democracy Pays

“Suckers” as Trump would call them. But really, we’re all getting screwed.

“Suckers” as Trump would call them. But really, we’re all getting screwed.

Trump lost an election, he’s a loser, and he’s making sure we all pay for it.

He can’t admit to being a loser (which is what he is, a loser), so he’s screaming fraud. And he won’t stop for the next four years, hell, for however long he lives he won’t stop. There is, of course, no evidence of any widespread fraud. But this is about evidence, this is about the long con, and power. Trump yells ‘RIGGED!!’ He begs for money to ‘stop the steal!’ and then diverts that money into his personal ‘leadership pac’ (slush fund) to the tune of 200 million or there about. Jesus.

Insane. He’s grifting them, admits (at the crazy Georgia rally) to grifting them, and supporters give him more money to continue the grift.

I think the Kevin Bacon character in ‘Animal House’ defines the ardent Trump supporter. As a pledge being whacked hard on the ass all he can say is ‘Please sir. May I have another?!’

Yep. ‘Please sir, even though you are actually keeping my money and not giving it to fellow grifters Rudy Giuliani and Jena Ellis (Well, not all of it) please take more of my money anyway!’

Trump will probably announce a 2024 run, even if he doesn’t really mean it. This will ensure that he keeps owning the GOP and that all candidates have to kiss what must be a well-callused ass. It gives him the power and attention he desperately needs. Attention is like oxygen to him; without it he will wither and die.

Trump and the Trump Party (really, it kisses up to his ass so much it’s really the only honest label/name for the former GOP) is going to push this ‘rigged election’ nonsense and use it to shove (and probably pass) new and even stricter voting restrictions, coming down hard on Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, students, anyone who might be seen as a ‘Democratic base’. Trumpubican legislatures and governors will use the idiotic claims of the Great God Trump to screw anyone who might dare to vote Democratic. The ‘steal’ will be the excuse for years to come, a reason for draconian measures to make certain a Trump loss will never happen again, no matter which Trump is running. The Trumpers will punish anyone who would dare to vote against them, legal or not.  

This lie of a stolen election will consume the Republicans, if it hasn’t already. It will burn in those whose anger and grievance already overwhelms them and those Republicans that don’t show enough fealty to the lie, or to Trump himself, (the president-in-exile) will be purged from the party.

The faith cannot handle the influence of the non-believer.

Trump lies, and democracy pays. He and his supporters will make sure it will.


Trump Gives Up


"We're All Victims.” …Yes, We All Are, Of Tump.